In support of the university’s commitment to transparency and accountability, and in compliance with Arkansas Code 6-61-137, OpenUA was created to present a searchable database of expenditure records. It contains expenditure records for the University of Arkansas and other entities of the University of Arkansas System whose accounting records are maintained on the Fayetteville campus. They include the (Division of Agriculture) Agricultural Experiment Station, Arkansas Archeological Survey, Criminal Justice Institute, Clinton School of Public Service and System Administration.
Arkansas Code 6-61-137 requires the presentation of expenditure data starting with the 2012 fiscal year, until ten (10) years of expenditure data is available, after which at least ten (10) years of expenditure data will be presented.
Data is available here for the March 2015 to June 2020 date range.
In July 2020, the university implemented Workday as its system of record for human capital and financial management, including payroll, accounting, position management and budgeting. With the implementation of Workday across the UA System, the Open Checkbook data for the University, along with other UA System institutions, is now available at UA System Open Checkbook for July 2020 and beyond.
Expenditure Records
The data contained on OpenUA is derived from general ledger accounting
records and is raw, unaudited and unconsolidated data. Therefore, it will not agree
with amounts displayed in budget documents, financial statements or supporting schedules and is not
intended to supplement or replace the annual audited financial report.
Information that is not permissible for posting under the Arkansas
Freedom of Information Act of 1967 and federal laws or regulations is not included.
Certain Payee Names have been removed in order to protect the privacy of individuals,
in accordance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations or
where it might be a violation of protected information. These redacted names appear
as “Privacy Protection Required.”
Certain expenditures are aggregated and others are shown in detail depending on
their nature. Payments to students for scholarships and other financial aid are
aggregated to comply with privacy regulations. Certain other payments to students
are commingled in classifications where it is not possible to identify all student
transactions and redact names appropriately. Consequently, expenditures where known
payments to students were made, but cannot be individually redacted, have been reported
in the aggregate. In future periods, the University plans to make enhancements to the
accounting records that will permit individual reporting of transactions in these
categories with appropriate redaction of names.
Expenditures by vendor include all applicable taxes associated with the transaction,
regardless of whether remitted to the vendor at the time of sale or to a taxing authority
in a separate payment.
Search Tips
Enter a date range to find expenditures from a specific period of time;
ex. July 2011 to August 2011. Because the expenditures database is updated
monthly with thousands of records make sure you select only the time period
necessary to enable your search. If a large date range is selected, the
site may take a very long time to return the information. Note that the
year drop down boxes contain only the years for which there is data.
You may select one or all of the other three parameter on which to search.
When selecting parameter from any of the search items, be aware that the
more specific you are in choosing your parameter, the quicker the information
will be presented and the easier it is to find the records for which you
are looking.
When searching for a payee, by default the search engine tries to locate
pages which have exact matches for all of the words entered in your search
query. If that fails, it then tries to locate pages which contain any words
in your search query. For example, if you want to find payments made to
Betty Jones, typing in just “Jones” will find all payees with Jones in
their name. This may return several hundred records, however, unless you
know the exact format of the information, a search will not find “Betty J
ones” if it is stored in the database as “Jones, Betty”.
Be aware that the
database may have several different formats for a payee: Jones, B.;
B Jones; B. A. Jones; etc. depending upon which department was making the
payment. Even though it may return extraneous records, using a portion of
the payee name is usually the best way to find a specific payee.
Range of data available: 03/2015 to 06/2020
Choose One or More Parameters
How expenditures are classified by type.
UA System Entity
How expenditures are organized by reporting entity in the UA System.
Payee Name
Identifies the individual, business or organization paid.